Medical Malpractice Cases – You Need A Lawyer

Medical malpractice is an issue that concerns every one of us. From mothers in prenatal care to the elderly in hospices, medical malpractice can occur any place – home, hospital, or clinic – where a medical professional neglects to adequately perform his medical duties. Every year, thousands of people report malpractice by a doctor, dentist, nurse, pharmacist, or other medical professional. In one year, there were 3.6 billion dollars in medical malpractice payouts, from more than 12,000 total payouts, according to medical malpractice insurance company Dietrich Healthcare.Medical Malpractice Law

If you or anyone you know has suffered pain and financial loss due to medical errors or malpractice, please contact our Medical Malpractice Lawyers today.

Types of Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice occurs in many different forms from medication errors prescribed by neglectful doctors to surgeons operating on the wrong person or organ. Medical malpractice does not occur when a doctor makes a simple mistake that can be easily corrected. Human errors account for many types of injuries including medical ones. However, when a doctor or medical professional neglects to perform his or her medical duties to the standard that is required of them, this is when the most harm can be done to a patient.

The National Academies cite that approximately 1.5 million people suffer from medication errors on a yearly basis. Misdiagnoses are another very problematic gray area for medical malpractice. The National Center for Policy Analysis reports that 10-20% of medical patients are initially misdiagnosed and suffer consequences or further complications with their conditions due to wrongful diagnoses.

Surgical errors account for up to 24% of all medical malpractice payouts. While not as prevalent as diagnosis related claims, they do make up to nearly a quarter of all medical malpractice payouts and settlements.

The most common types of medical malpractice cases involve:

Failure to Diagnose
Surgical Errors
Prescription Errors
Birth/Baby Injuries
Elder Care Abuse
Dental Errors

Important Medical Malpractice Information

There is no doubt that many incidents of medical malpractice that occur in hospitals and clinics are preventable. Hospitals often employ overworked medical staff, nurses, and doctors. When medical professionals are made to work extended hours beyond reason, the rate of misdiagnoses and erroneous practices rise exponentially. A doctor or medical professional’s failure to act upon a diagnosis or an emergency medical situation is also grounds for a malpractice lawsuit.

The severity of injuries in malpractice lawsuits are as follows:

31% Wrongful Death
19% Significant Permanent Injury
18% Major Permanent Injury
12% Quadriplegic, including Brain Damage
8% Minor Permanent Injury
Getting Legal Help

Thousands of people are injured by people working in the medical profession every year. Proving that medical malpractice has occurred, however, is difficult. With the help of our legal team, we can get to the bottom of your suffering and ensure that those responsible for your injuries are held accountable. If you or anyone you know has suffered pain and financial loss due to medical errors or malpractice, please contact our Personal Injury Lawyers today.

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